Python SOAP API Samples

Below is a list of available Python samples. If you are new to using the ReplixFax API, you may want to start with our tutorial first.

Download Samples 
Send A Fax This sample show you how to send a simple file as a fax. You can modify the code to send the same file to multiple people or sent multiple files.
  • Replace <fax number> with a real fax number. This should be an 11 digit fax number, starting with “1”. For example: 15551239876
  • Replace <filename> with the name of a file to fax
  • Replace <path to file> with the full path to the file to send ex: c:\temp\report.pdf
Query Sent Faxes This sample show you how to query the system to obtain the latest status of your fax request.
  • Replace <FaxId> with the Fax Job ID returned from SendFax
Query Received Faxes This sample show you how to query the system to see if there are any new faxes received recently.
  • If a fax number was provided to you for your development account, send a fax to that number.
  • The sample will search for all faxes received since the previous day.
Get Fax Content This sample show you how to get a received fax content as a PDF file.
  • Replace <FaxId> with the Fax Job ID returned from Query Received Faxes
Modify Fax This sample show you how to update a fax to indicate that you have “viewed” it. You can use the “Marked” attribute when querying for new faxes so that previously “viewed” faxes are not returned.
  • Replace <FaxId> with the Fax Job ID returned from Query Received Faxes


The ReplixFax Python samples use the ReplixFax SOAP API to communicate with the ReplixFax Cloud service.

In order to use the samples, you must first obtain a developer account with Softlinx. Once you have an account, you will be provided credentials. The credentials will be:

  • Username
  • Password
  • Organization Name (or realm)

The Organization name corresponds to the company name for the user.

You must edit the samples and replace the placeholders with the credentials provided by Softlinx:

For example, if someone requests a developer account for a company named Acme Medical, then the following may be provided by Softlinx:

  • Username: admin
  • Organization Name: acme
  • Password: welcome

Change the code in EACH example to be:

authentication = {
  "Login": "admin",
  "Password": base64.b64encode(b'welcome'),
  "PasswordSecurity": "base64",
  "Realm": "acme",

You will be able to use the same credentials to log into the development portal:

In the portal, the username field should have both the username and organization name. Using the same example as above:

Sample Specifics

Each ReplixFax Python sample is a separate python file. The suds and zeep libraries are required to run the samples.

Next steps

If you have questions about how the samples work or are looking for a feature that is now show in one of the samples, contact Softlinx support.